Being an effective voluntary organisation or community group can mean navigating a minefield of regulations, compliance, reporting and funding. It’s the everyday, challenging reality of working in the Third sector.
We have partnered with Highland Third Sector Interface to provide both AVA members and non-members an extensive training programme to cater for your company or organisation's every need, including over 30 e-courses throughout the year in a range of subjects. And AVA members can now access one free E-Learning user licence per member organisation!
AVA can offer one free E-Learning user licence per member organisation. Cost for any additional licences will be £40 for AVA Members and £75 for non-members. Organisations are free to buy as many licences as needed.
Please contact training@avashire.org.uk with your organisation name, address and contact details or complete the online user licence application by filling out the form here.
You can download the eLearning Catalogue here --->
Or use the links below to direct you to your chosen course.
Returning to Work, Coping with Change and much more.
Human Resources, Personal Development and Change Management and more.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Food Hygiene, Health & Safety and more.
General IT Skills and Microsoft Packages
Understanding Budgets and Financial Conduct Authority.
Improve your Productivity, Effective Communication and Customer Service.