Daniel Shaw
Chief Executive Officer
Dan is responsible to AVA’s Board for providing strategic leadership, and operationally managing the organisation. His role is principally concerned with facilitating the development of Aberdeenshire’s Third Sector by engaging with strategic partners and delivering an organisation that leads by example

Keith Anderson
Head of Development
Keith's provides management support for AVA’s Development Officer Team. Other key duties include representing AVA at the Aberdeenshire Learning Community Partnerships Strategic Lead Group and Aberdeenshire’s Tackling Poverty and Inequality Group.

Jacquie Milne
Finance & Administration Manager
Jacquie is AVA's Finance and Administration Manager and is home-based. As well as managing AVA's finances, her role includes provision of independent examination of R & P accounts and payroll services to organisations across Aberdeenshire.

Abigail Westwood Patterson
Communications Manager
Abigail is responsible for the digital marketing for AVA and Magpie and disseminates information to our membership and the Aberdeenshire Third Sector for AVA. She also manages the website and external communcations.

Isabelle Taylor
Data Systems Manager
Isabelle is responsible for overseeing, maintaining and managing AVA’s internal data system in order to produce the required outputs to help support the AVA Team

Rhona Davidson
Lead Development Officer (Governance, Training and Strategic Service Development)
Rhona is home-based and provides development support to groups and organisations across Aberdeenshire, specialising in Governance.

Donna Speed
Funding Officer
Donna provides tailored funding searches to the voluntary and community sector and can also help with funding applications.

Emma Christie
Development Officer (Volunteering)
Emma is home-based and provides development support to groups and organisations across Aberdeenshire, specialising in Volunteering.

Heather McKay
Development Officer (Mental Health & Wellbeing )
Heather is home-based and provides development support to groups and organisations across Aberdeenshire, specialising in Mental Health & Wellbeing.

Aileen Longino
Development Officer (Social Enterprise)
Aileen is home-based and provides development support to groups and organisations across Aberdeenshire, specialising in Social Enterprises. Aileen is also a qualified Mediator for the Workplace and can help with conflict resolution.

Gloria Malcolm
Development Officer
(Funding & Business Planning)
Gloria specialises in business planning and grant applications and can provide guidance and support in these areas. Gloria can also assist with the process of Community Asset Transfer.

Shona Reynolds
Development Officer (Children & Families)
Shona is home-based and provides development support to groups and organisations across Aberdeenshire, specialising in Children & Families.

Ruth Clarke
Ruth provides administrative support to the Finance & Administration Manager.

Aileen Keith
Administration Officer - Volunteering
Aileen provides administrative support to our Development team in relation to volunteering.

Jenny Buchanan
(Grants & Databases)
Jenny provides support with maintaining AVA’s internal data system and grants administration.

Pauline Anderson
Community Volunteering Enterprise Project Officer
Pauline works with young people, especially those who have faced challenges in gaining paid employment by supporting them through a programme of challenging learning and development activities.

Claire McCaffery-Clarke
Strategic Development Officer (Mental Wellbeing Partnerships)
Claire will be engaging with all of our key statutory and third sector partners to map the services and gaps that exist around mental wellbeing in Aberdeenshire.

Alasdair Ross
AVA & ACVO Policy & Consultations Officer
Alasdair works jointly for AVA and ACVO to interpret policies and run consultations for the third sector.
Alasdair has bookable slots on Wednesday afternoons if you have a policy issue you'd like to discuss or for those in the public & private sector to talk about how to include the sector in their decisions and processes. You can do so here