AVA Membership

Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action recognises our members as a vital part of the governance and accountability of our organisation. Our membership is free for eligible groups and individuals, making it as inclusive as possible. All membership applications are considered by the AVA Board of Directors, so once we receive your membership request it will go to the next AVA board meeting (which are usually bi-monthly) for consideration. To apply for membership, you can complete the online form below.

Full membership of Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action (AVA) entitles you to a range of benefits:
- Group health checks, organisational development, business planning and Community Asset Transfer support
- Access to volunteering opportunities and organisation volunteer support
- Regular newsletters & digital magazine featuring funding sources, training opportunities, events and more
- Information and vacancy sharing plus organisation promotion
- Access to competitive rates for office services including independent examination of accounts and payroll services
- Funding updates and assistance with funding searches and application reviews
- Discounts for AVA Training
- Support and advice to Trustees/Management Committees including a mediation service
- Access to specialist AVA forums including Supporting Independent Living, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Children & Families, Governance, Funding, Volunteering & Social Enterprise
- Access to consultation opportunities, policy reviews and community planning networks
- Networking, collaborative and partnership opportunities to share ideas and skills
- Invitation to the AVA Annual General Meeting, including Full Members’ voting rights, option for election to the Board and copy of the Annual Report
- 15% off standard rates for the provision of legal services carried out on behalf of charities and other third sector groups at Stronachs, Solicitors. Please note that standard rates will apply to all personal work undertaken, such as the provision of personal Estate Planning advice.
Terms and Conditions of Membership:
- You must subscribe to the mission, vision and core values of Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action.
- You must demonstrate community purpose and organisations must be non-profit distributing.
- Organisations undertaking and/or affiliated to party political activity are not eligible for membership.
- Any organisation based in Scotland may become a member, however membership services are only open to organisations with an operational base in Aberdeenshire.
- We/I understand that in the event of Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action being dissolved, and its assets otherwise insuffiecient to meet its liabilities, that we/I may be liable to contribute an amount not exceeding £1 towards the company's assets.