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» Listings for March 2024

  1. Here at AVA, we work with all kinds of not-for-profit organisations and one of our growing areas is social enterprises.

    Social Enterprises can take many forms: Companies limited by Guarantee; Community Benefit Societies; Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations (SCIO); or Community Interest Companies (CICs). What unites them is that all Social Enterprises must have a strong sense of social and environmental impact, profit that goes back into the business or local community, and generate income. They must also have an asset lock, a clause to ensure that on dissolution the assets of a SE must be redirected in accordance with the social or environmental objectives of the business.

    In addition, it's helpful to know that a Social Enterprise can be the subsidiary of a registered charity like a SCIO, but not of a public body or private company.

    Our Social Enterprise specialist Aileen Longino, works with start-up SEs, supporting them with the right legal framework, funding and general advice as well as well-established SEs who are looking to develop social procurement and circular economy strategies for example.

    Aberdeenshire is a large area, and we recognise that connecting with like minded businesses can be difficult especially in a rural setting. Through developing regular Forums, the Aberdeenshire Social Enterprise Network, events and social enterprise newsletters, Aileen is working hard to encourage and support this growing entrepreneurial trend that is taking place across Aberdeenshire.

    If you would like to find out more about how Aileen can support your social enterprise drop her an email.
