A step in the right direction
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If you’ve made a decision to be a bit more active this year then think about joining Stonehaven Health Walk! The group meets on a Monday morning at the Market Square, and are always keen to welcome new walkers. The group has been meeting for just over two years and has grown from a handful of walkers to between 14-20 walkers meeting each week – come hail or shine!
Heath walks are low level, and all the walks take place around the town. The walks are led by volunteers who have completed training with Paths for All and Macmillan Move More. In addition, the walk leaders have recently undertaken training so they can incorporate Strength and Balance exercises into their walks and activities. The walks are a social opportunity too, and finish with a coffee and chat at Number 44.
The health walk is one of three set up by Mearns and Coastal Healthy Living Network, who offer a range of activities, groups and services for people over 50 living in Kincardine and Mearns.
For more information on the Stonehaven health walk, or any of our other services, please visit our website at www.mchlnoffice.wixsite.com/home, call us on 01561 378130 or email us at mchln.office@gmail.com